{Kids climb in bed with us in the early morning and Erik snores a little.}
S {firmly} Dad, you need to stop that or move to another room.
A Siena, we don't harass grown ups.
C That's true, Siena, this is Daddy's bed.
S No, it's the family bed.
-Tells me he wants to be a cooker when he grows up.
-Starts making maps and likes looking at maps.
-Tries to pet a bee and gets stung on his finger.
-Got a red star on his forehead for speaking a lot of Spanish.
-That's Daddy's mopper (when I used it once.)
-Mom, I love you. But I don't love my Daddy.
-You're my best friend.
-Alistair and Alan start the same.
-I gotta go pee. I gotta go poop. I gotta headache.
-Justin Bieber is a beaver that's why they call him Justin Beaver. I'm singing Justin Bieber. {Babble sings nonsense, only recognizable word is nation.}
-In Spanish, leche means milk.
-I'm Jack, your son.
-I big love my sister. I big love my dad. I big love my mom. I big love myself. And I big love the world.
-When I was a baby my birthmother put me in a basket and then you came to Kazakhstan to find a baby. You wanted two babies: Alistair and Siena.
-When I grow up, I want to be a doctor. Actually, I want to be a man tooth fairy.
Gma C I'm going to a meeting.
A To Fargo Weight Watchers?
C What are your Dad and Siena doing?
A They're picking up things. I'm allergic to things.
A Hi Mama. I'm doing great. I'm feeling a little bit game-ish. I want a game.
C Pick up your toys Alistair. You dumped them out, you put them back in the basket.
A I didn't dump them out, I throwed them with my hands.
A Are we on a highway?
E Yes.
A Are we on a long highway?
E Yes.
A We watch movies on long highways.
A Here's a boat.
Teacher Si, es un barco.
A No, it's a boat
Teacher Si, en Espanol, barco es boat.
A {Looking at her like she's dim} It's a boat.
{On the phone with Grandpa Ed.} Why are you so old? Bye.
S I kissed Nate.
C Why?
S Because I'm a girl and I can do whatever I want and you can't do anything.
-Kareem is my boyfriend. Kareem kissed me on the mouth. Kareem kissed me on the butt. He really did.
-We sang Lady Ga GA on the bus yesterday. Play some Lady Ga Ga!
-If I was a teenager I'd drive a car and go to Weight Watchers.
-Mom, I'm going to do some research. Got my computer -- my laptop. Let's see.... gushers.com.
-I'm gonna marry Nate.
-I don't want to be tall like Daddy, I want to be small like you. But no boobs. {Makes a face.}
-But how does the baby get IN the mama's belly?
-You really can cut with sharp knives, can't you Mom?
-When I was 13, I had my first love and I kept singing baby, baby, baby, baby...
-Rides bike on her own.
-Opens window and walks out onto the roof to get toys she has thrown out the window.
-Asks to take a shower.
-Sneaks out living room window at 7 am to play outside.