Alistair's Words
Eye, nose, night, juice, clink (as in clink glasses or anything together), up, down, out, cookie, pizza, uppie, downie, milkie, bootie, trees, bubbles, ice, quiche, movie, thanks, open, fish, door, please, hi Mom, eat (more of a command!) don’t (and hits me,) shoes on, apple, bye Mama, Nina, back pack, mess, work, home
We call him Alley Marg and Margie sometimes.
He is generally quite crabby when waking up from his nap. One day my mom was here and she picked him out of his crib. He demanded to be put down. He then marched to the kitchen, opened the cupboard, pulled out a sippy and handed it to her as a demand for liquids.
When you ask him how old he is, he says, “two.”
Holds your hand and says “walk” and takes you where he wants to go.
C You start with this and I’ll get you some potstickers, ok?
A Kay.
C What do you want?
A Lunch.
C Do you want yogurt?
E Oh man, you’re on the last few pages of your book.
S She’s not a man, she’s a woman.
Is that ever a beautiful daddy or what?
I’m a lady. I drink pop all the time.
Hello Mother, I’m eating a crouton.
Thanks for taking care of me. Thanks for making breakfast.
Mom I don’t want this little paint brush, I would prefer the big one.
She picked flowers from the back yard, made them into a bouquet then said, “I’m getting married.” I said, “Oh, really?” She said. “Of course!" Then, "Well, not really.”
Lays down as Sleeping Beauty telling us she has touched the spinning wheel. Then we are told to kiss her so she can wake up.
To Alistair about a card game: “You can play but don’t make any more messes. I could be cranky about that.”
A Eat.
S We’re going to eat soon.
A Eat.
S Say, “Ok, Siena Alina.”
A Kay.