Does "So big"& "Patty cake." Waves "bye bye" and "hi." Favorite place is on Mom and Dad’s bed, especially if being tickled. Mesmerized by the dream quilt above Mom and Dad’s bed. Says, "la la, ma ma" and more. Loves to walk while hands are held. Cruises furniture. Giggles and smiles a lot. Loves to eat, takes 2 naps and sleeps through the night. Got a clean bill of healthy from pediatrician. How could we have asked for more?

*When reading certain books, gets fixated on certain items in the book. I want those shoes! Those are MY shoes!
*Mama, you were very crabby because I dumped out the crackers in the car. I’m sorry.
*Alistair. I’m going to ask you a question. What’s your favorite food? {Pauses for his answer.}Peanut butter ravioli soup? I’ve never had that.
*Is everybody ok back there? Super dooper Dad. (From the movie
*Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
*Thank you for supper.
{The fan goes on in the fridge}
Stop Fridge.
It’s not about you, Fridge.
Come on, Fridge.

Ok, I admit it--I love her and want to be by her every second of the day!

Get on the leaf, Alistair!

On her 3rd Adoption Day (10.14.07), I can't help but reflect how much emptier our lives would have been without her. Thank you, Siena's birthmother, for giving her to us.

Does anyone know this book?...Brown Bear, Brown Bear who do you see? I see a {Truman, sit down} yellow duck looking at me...

Germs? But I thought Uncle Jeremy gave you Kaboom to clean it with.

Happy 1st Birthday to Alistair! His birthday was 10.26.07 and the party with all the relatives was 10.28.07 (coincidentally, our 7th wedding anniversary.)

Siena was happy to open all his gifts AND play with them too.

Grandpa Ed.

Grandpa Wayne.

Grandma Clara.

Monster Pasta.

Cousin Sam serves up the cupcake and blows out the candle.



Erik still takes care of her every day when he comes home from work. If I'm having a bad day, he takes Alistair too, cleans the kitchen, puts the kids to bed, irons... It's not a bad life.

The day before Halloween was beautiful so we ate outside.

He doesn't like it when we do it either.

Neighborhood buddy over for a little trick or treating.

A bad picture of the turtle and his Queen.