Siena is POTTY TRAINED! She continues to go to pre-school three mornings a week and loves it. Her dramatic personality has not abated so the plan is for her to attend drama school the moment she turns four (in February.) She loves to play with play dough, read books, play with her new Thomas train set and watch Shrek 3.
S Hi Mommy, I’m a princess.
C Who am I?
S An ogre.
C Who is Alistair?
S A bad guy because he fights me.
C How about Daddy?
S I think he’s Fiona.
C Siena, take a chill pill.
S I can’t. I don’t know how to.
C What’s your favorite day of the week?
S Sunday.
C Why?
S I think it’s when the sun comes up out of the sky.
S Where did Daddy buy the peanut butter cups from?
C I bought them at Target.
S Mommy, you did a great job. Go Mommy! Go Mommy!
…and then I want a cookie. Can you grab one for me? Daddy does that.
Dasvidana (“goodbye” in Russian) Mommy & Alistair. Have a great day! Have a great nap!
He joined his sister in a fun game of "dump out the sugar on the kitchen floor and eat it!"
Playing dress up in the basement. I hope it doesn't scar him for life!

Art rarely stays on the paper only...

She took the term tree skirt quite literally.

Newest obsession: having tea parties using hot cocoa. Santa brought her a Cinderella tea set with 27 pieces.

Click back to to see how much he's changed!

She likes to give loooonnnggg kisses now. We think it's from a movie.